Friday 29 June 2018

Bahas Jerawat bersama Dewi Kauw (Owner @skindewi)

Hai semuanya, 
Berhubung hasil polling kemarin di Instagram ternyata lebih banyak yang ingin aku sharing pembahasan mengenai jerawatku di blog post aja, jadilah hari ini aku buat post khusus bahas detail tentang jerawatku dan informasi serta tips - tips dari Ci Dewi. Buat yang belum familiar, Ci Dewi ini merupakan owner sekaligus pembuat produk skincare organik di Indonesia dengan nama Skin Dewi, bangga banget ya dengan perkembangan produk lokal. Skin Dewi ini termasuk produk - produk yang cukup "mahal" dalam golongan produk lokal, namun jangan salah, produknya bagus dan inovatif banget!

Nah awalnya gimana sih kok akhirnya aku bisa bahas jerawat dengan Ci Dewi?
Skin Dewi ini lagi mengadakan campaign #1MAcneFreedom (re: One Million Acne Freedom, coba deh cek kesini) dimana ditujukan pada orang - orang yang memang mempunyai masalah jerawat. Ci Dewi ini bersedia banget untuk konsultasi 1-by-1 dengan kalian yang punya masalah jerawat. Ci Dewi ga tanggung - tanggung kasih informasi yang lengkap dan jelas yang ga cuma ngomongin tentang produk tapi juga faktor lain yang bisa mempengaruhi jerawat itu sendiri, salah satunya kesehatan kita. Nah kebetulan memang kemarin ini pada akhirnya aku memposting muka bare face aku yang dalam kondisi tidak mulus. Masalahku dari dulu memang jerawat, yang kemudian meninggalkan bekas dan masalahku bertambah menjadi bekas jerawat juga. Di postingan itulah (cek postingan disini) kemudian Ci Dewi ini meninggalkan komentar seputar informasi campaign ini dan aku bersedia berpartisipasi. Ci Dewi bilang goal dari campaign ini untuk empower 1 million people to heal themselves from acne, karena kuncinya ya mereka yang menyembuhkan diri mereka sendiri karena ga ada obat ajaib diluar sana, dan juga butuh waktu dan usaha tapi pada akhirnya bisa dilakukan. Ci Dewi juga telah membantu beberapa orang dalam prosesnya dan kuncinya yaitu mencari tahu dulu apa penyebab jerawatnya, lalu baru dikerjakan gimana caranya (beberapa orang kasusnya ternyata dari pencernaan, hormon, stress, dan lain sebagainya). Ci Dewi ini percaya bahwa masalah kulit bisa membaik dengan dipengaruhi oleh 80% secara internal 20% dari produk skincare.

Sebetulnya apa sih penyebab jerawatku ini?
Berbagai macam faktor. Tapi mungkin yang kelihatan adalah hormon yang kurang seimbang dan pencernaan (Aku baru tau kalau mungkin ada masalah pencernaan berdasarkan ci Dewi, kalau hormon memang dari dulu aku tau masalahku tentang hormon ini dimana akhirnya jerawat selalu datang dan pergi). Lalu aku juga sadar betul, beberapa kali secara berturut - turut tidur malam, bisa muncul jerawat juga -> Dan untuk hal ini Ci Dewi menyarankan untuk boost liver health. Ci Dewi juga sempat tanya apa pola makanku cenderung berminyak atau tidak seperti gorengan? Dan aku bilang iya, Ci Dewi bilang rasanya badanku kurang bisa metabolize "lemak"nya karena kelihatan dari pori - pori, dan juga Ci Dewi tanya apakah aku minum air cukup atau tidak, karena kelihatan quite a bit congestion di kulitku. Selain itu aku juga bilang ada clogged pores di daerah dagu dan Ci Dewi bilang bagian dagu adalah hormonal, berarti hormonku belum seimbang, masalahnya aku harus cari tahu hormon apa yang kelebihan atau kekurangan baru kemudian bisa dinormalisasi, juga balik lagi ke liver health karena liver yang sehat bisa bantu kontrol hormon (balik lagi mungkin liverku kurang sehat, salah satu indikasinya adalah dengan kurang tidur aja bisa timbul jerawat). Untuk jerawat pada daerah pipi, menurut Ci Dewi biasanya adanya food sensitivity dengan itu bisa diketahui pasti dengan tes IGG, dari situ nanti kelihatan makanan apa yang bermasalah dan coba dihindari selama 3 bulan baru pelan - pelan dikenali lagi, minum enzymes dan probiotik juga membantu. Coba 3 bulan dulu seharusnya terlihat perbedaannya, begitu kata Ci Dewi.

Apa saran Ci Dewi mengenai kondisi jerawatku?
Ci Dewi pertama bilang sepertinya aku boleh mulai untuk minum daily probiotic ketika pagi perut kosong dan juga enzymes sebelum makan untuk bantu digestion. Lalu untuk boost liver bisa dengan minum temulawak atau jamu untuk liver. Untuk lemaknya bisa dengan black tea/ teh hitam untuk bantu "cuci lemak" setelah makan gorengan. Sedangkan untuk produk skincare lanjutin aja tapi jangan dengan banyak step (kebetulan memang kulitku suka minimal routine), soalnya kata Ci Dewi pori - pori aku sudah tersumbat, takutnya kalau pakai banyak produk malah semakin tersumbat, yang penting step cleansing sudah benar, toning, dan light moisturizer sudah cukup. Ci Dewi juga menyarankan untuk perbanyak makan cruciferous vegetables.

Aku sempat tanya juga mengenai air lemon yang diminum pagi hari saat perut kosong, Ci Dewi bilang ini boleh juga bantu untuk alkalized.
Metode air lemon yang disarankan:
- Siapkan botol minum supaya bisa kontrol berapa banyaknya yang diminum
- Sehari minum 1 butir lemon - pagi hari squeeze 1/2 lemon dalam 1 botol air (cari botol 1L gitu) dan sisa lemonnya cemplungin sekalian. Sebaiknya air ini dihabiskan sebelum jam makan siang, jadi minum sedikit - sedikit tapi sering.
- Ketika jam makan siang airnya habis, refill botol 1L lagi dan squeeze the remaining 1/2 lemon yang tadi masih ada. Harus habis lagi airnya sebelum makan malam.
- Setelah makan malam sampai jam tidur, coba untuk minum 500 ml sampai 1L lagi.

Oh ya, aku juga ada sakit maag dimana oleh karena itu bagus untuk konsumsi makanan yang alkaline. Contohnya dibawah ini.

Aku sempat tanya, Ci, kalau probiotik seperti yogurt gitu ga cukup ya?
Yogurt is dairy (aku juga rasa sepertinya aku kurang cocok dairy, bisa jerawatan kalau kebanyakan), jadi harus pilih yang non-dairy. Lalu aku tanya, bagaimana dengan yakult? Lebih baik kombucha, kiffer (ini dari kelapa, kalau kefir dari susu kambing -> termasuk dairy juga), kimchi, anything fermented is good. Kalau senang kombucha, sekalian aja beli jamu temulawak.

Lalu gimana nih dengan bekas jerawatku?
Ci Dewi menyarankan boleh juga aku untuk minum Zinc karena zinc bisa bantu healing scar. Kalau tidak mau kebanyakan minum suplemen bisa cari juga vit c yang mengandung zinc sekaligus.

Produk memang berpengaruh untuk membuat perubahan, tapi kita perlu mengerti dulu kebutuhan kulit apa dan yang tidak butuh apa, just listen to it. Sekarang coba perbaiki dari dalam dan ketika nanti ada hasil baru dibantu boost dengan produk. Untuk produk, pilih oil cleanser yang bagus dan second cleanser yang mild, lalu pilih produk - produk dengan concern untuk soothe and hydrate the skin dan yang unclogging pores. Jangan terlalu berat ataupun terlalu mengeringkan. Untuk penggunaan makeup cari yang tidak buat clogging dan pastikan cleansing methodnya benar, tapi kalau tidak terlalu butuh makeup lebih baik jangan agar kulit bisa bernapas.

Jadi yang aku lakukan setelah berbincang dengan Ci Dewi yang pertama adalah mengontrol makananku! Aku mulai makan lebih banyak sayur dan cut dairy (ga lagi minum kopi susu, hanya teh dan air putih!), untuk suplemen masih dalam pencarian hehe. Semoga postingan ini bermanfaat untuk kalian yang mungkin mengalami kondisi yang hampir serupa, jerawat yang tak kunjung usai masanya, dan kalau kalian merasa postingan ini bermanfaat boleh bantu dishare yah, kita sama - sama dukung gerakan #1MAcneFreedom juga agar goal Ci Dewi bisa tercapai dan banyak orang yang bisa terbantu dengan adanya campaign ini :) Wish me luck juga for my progress, semoga bisa berhasil.

Jangan lupa mampir ke Instagram @skindewi atau ke websitenya!

Friday 22 June 2018

[REVIEW] StyleKorean Box: Feed Your Skin (Hyggee, Abib, Pyunkang Yul, SRB)

What do your skin needs when the weather is unstable? Hydration, it is! I live in Indonesia when the weathers are sunny, cloudy, and rainy. The humidity level in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, is so high (I google it and it's almost always higher than 50%). Based on, high humidity levels can affect skin leading to excess sweat and oil productions to the point where pores become clogged, resulting in acne breakouts. It can promotes the growth of bacteria and mold resulting in skin irritation and redness. I experience this a lot, clogged pores? ✔️. Acne? ✔️. So if that's the case what can we do to help unclogged the pores and prevent breakouts? One of the best ways to overcome high humidity is to cleanse properly, exfoliate, and hydrate!

StyleKorean is selling this "Feed Your Skin" box consists of several great products to "feed" your skin, that's why they named it. There are some products from several brands like Hyggee, Abib, Pyunkang Yul, and SRB. They are all Korean brands and I'm super excited to try out of my curiosity because I heard good things about them! So, let's take a look at it!!

1. SRB Stabilized Rice Bran Enzyme Powder Wash (buy here)
It is a mild, fragrance-free, and has a pH of 5.5 which is good for skin on its natural state. SRB features the rice bran extract, which creates a soothing effect to skin. The rice bran extract is described as "stabilized" because of the proprietary formula actually managed to stabilize the active nutrients in the bran after extraction. It is suitable for all skin types even sensitive skin. I love how it doesn't stripe my moisture and dry out my skin. 

Talking about the packaging, it comes in a hard plastic bottle, it's not too big remembering it's only 60 grams. But I find the downside is the opening hole is too big so you need extra careful when pouring or it will be too much stuff on your hand. It easily melts when meeting the water but sometimes it could be a mess hahaha. I haven't seen any brightening effect (I know rice is good for brightens the skin) but it's great as a mild face wash and it's now become my favorite morning cleanser! 

Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate, Sodium Lauroyl Glutamate, Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Extract, Citrus Grandis (Grapefruit) Seed Extract, Pollen Extract, Allantoin, Collagen, Betaine, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Juice, Sorbitol, Isopropyl Prlmitate, Asocorbyl Palmitate, Titanium Dioxide (CI77891), Citric Acid, Disodium EDTA, Papain, Fragrance

Volume: 60 gram

How to Use? 

1. Wet skin with lukewarm water, add a small amount of water to your hand, and dispense about 1 gram of product into your palm. 

2. Work powder into a foam by rubbing hands together. 

3. Apply to skin and massage using circular motions. Rinse with water.

2. Pyunkang Yul 3 Step Mask Pack (buy here)
It is a 3-step mask pack which consist of Peeling Gel, Essence Toner mask, and Balancing Gel. It targets mild peeling, natural balancing, and intensive moisturizing. I find this mask pack very convenient when you're travelling since it has products you need to feed your skin during travel. They suppose to work together moisturize and make skin soft and supple. I actually haven't tried this mask because my skin has been acting up like crazy so I avoid using it and until this time (the day I post this) I'm still having my acne :(

Volume: 1 box of 5 pack

How to Use?

1. Apply adequate amount of Peeling Gel on wet face along with your skin texture to remove skin waste and sebum, and wash off.

2. Take the mask sheet full with the nutrients of essence toner and take off after 10~20 minutes.

3. Apply adequate amount of Balancing Gel and gently tap on the face until it is fully absorbed.

3. Hyggee All-in-One Tightening and Firming Mask (buy here)

Okay, so inside the box there are two sheet masks, first is the Pyunkang Yul as mask pack, and the second is Hyggee as a regular sheet mask. But Hyggee sheet mask is also interesting because it fasten around your ear to lift the skin, the sheet which is fixed around the ears, gives an additional face lift by drawing the skin up from the jaw to forehead. Since it targets to firm and tighten the skin, it contains Hydrolized Collagen and Camellia Japonica too. This is so good for sagging, loose, and dry skin, and also for those who have puffy face in the morning!

Well if you follow me on Instagram you may know when was exactly I tried this product, I will put my thoughts here. The sheet has a logo texture and it's a bit thick. There's only a tiny amount of essence left but it smells good. Actually it was my first time trying this kind of mask and I felt a bit uncomfortable. It was kinda weird and itchy around my neck. But after 15 minutes, I felt my skin was great and hydrated although I didn't see any tightening effect. And it did calm my skin, a little. Conclusion? It's a good mask but not my best find nor my fave.

Water, Glycerin, Betula Platyphylla Japonica Juice, Methylpropanediol, Niacinamide, Centella Asiatica Extract, Polygonum Cuspidatum Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Althaea Rosea Flower Extract, Camellia Sinensis Leaf Extract, Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Extract, Chamomilla Recutita (Matricaria) Flower Extract, Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract, Helianthus Annuus (Sunflower) Seed Oil, Saccharomyces/ Grape Ferment Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Camellia Japonica Flower Extract, Xylitol, Lupinus Albus Seed Extract, Lactobacillus Ferment, Lactococcus Ferment Lysate, Bifida Ferment Lysate, Streptococcus Thermophilus Ferment, Panthenol, Butylene Glycol, Hydroxyacetophenone, Dimethicone, Tromethamine, Allantoin, Polyglyceryl-10 Laurate, Polyglyceryl-10 Myristate, Caprylyl Glycol, Adenosine, 1,2-Hexanediol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Dipotassium Glycyrrhizate, Polyglyceryl-10 Stearate, Glyceryl Caprylate, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Xylitylglucoside, Anhydroxylitol, Caprilyc/Capric Trigliceride, Sorbitan Laurate, Phospholipids, Ceramide NP, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Acetyl Dipeptide-1 Cetyl Ester, Cholesterol, Tocopherol, Arginine, Phytosterols, Carbomer, Caffeine, Xantham Gum, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol

How to Use?

1. After cleansing, carefully unfold the mask

2. Apply first to the top part of your face and adjust

3. Gently cover your jaw with the bottom part and pull both sides up, fixing it around your ears

4. Leave it on for 10-20 minutes and remove. Pat the remaining essence into your skin until fully absorbed.

4. Hyggee All-in-One Essence (buy here)

A great light moisturizer that suits all skin types and my combination skin is really loving it! Let's talking from the texture, it is like gooey slimy (remember COSRX Snail Essence? Its texture kinda similar) but it's thicker and the colour is cloudy, the good thing is my skin absorbs really quick. It doesn't leave uncomfortable sticky feeling so I still consider good as makeup base. What I notice after several days of using it, my skin is more stable, moisturized yet hydrated at the same time. It seems like the Hyggee Essence lock all my moisture and keep my skin in a good condition. This is my go-to moisturizer everytime I feel like my skin needs moisture and also this is perfect as my day moisturizer! Seriously, I am so happy finding this essence as it's that GOOD!!!!

It becomes part of my daily routine and since I keep my routine simple yet effective, I only use toner and moisturizer. This essence does great job and it can replaced my previous cream hahaha. You guys need to try it, it's perfect for combination skin.

My current routine like this

Betula Platyphylla Japonica Juice, Glycerin, Cyclopentasiloxane, Glycereth-26, Dimethicone, Niacinamide, Water, Pyrus Malus (Apple) Fruit Water, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia (Bergamot) Fruit Oil, Hydrolyzed Viola Tricolor Extract, Goat Milk Extract, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Nymphaea Alba Flower Extract, Xylitol, Lactobacillus Ferment, Lactococcus Fermeny Lysate, Bifida Ferment Lysate, Streptococcus Thermofilus Ferment, Pentylene Glycol, Polyglyceryl-6 Distearate, Butylene Glycol, Propanediol, Triethylhexanoin, 1,2-Hexanediol, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Glyceryl Stearate, PEG-40 Stearate, Panthenol, Jojoba Esters, Cetearyl Olivate, Sorbitan Olivate, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/VP Copolymer, Glyceryl Caprylate, Tromethamine, Sodium Polyacrylate, Polyglyceryl-3 Beeswax, Adenosine, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Sodium Hyaluronate, Hyaluronic Acid, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Polyglutamic Acid, Ethylhexylglycerin, Dipropylene Glycol, Xylitylglucoside, Anhydroxylitol, Sodium Palmitoyl Proline, Caprilic/Capric Triglyceride, Phospholipids, Ceramide NP, Protease, Cholesterol, Arginine, Phytosterols, Cetyl Alcohol, Disodium EDTA, Phenoxyethanol

Volume: 110 ml

How to Use?
1. Use at morning and night, after cleansing.

2. Pat lightly over the face using fingertips.

3. Gently cover the facial area with both palms, to facilitate absorption with the warmth from your hands.

5. ABIB Hydration Creme Water Tube (buy here)

It is a moisturizing cream that resolves the drying process of your skin. It penetrates deeply into the skin and control the inner skin tension. By using "Polymer Network System", this cream moisturizes deeply and provides nutritional benefits the skin needs while providing a stable delivery from the deepest part of skin to the most outer layer. It is packed in an aluminium tube to minimize the exposure of bacteria and keeping the ingredients safe and contained. The packaging is very sleek and minimal, covered in white colour from box to the tube. 

ABIB Creme is actually divide into two types, the white one (Hydration Creme) and the black one (Hydration Gel). The black one is designed for oily skin while the white one suits dry skin but I'm just hoping it works well on my combination skin haha. The cream itself is odorless, there's no fragrance my nose can detect and this is the good thing because it will suit for sensitive skin too! But in my opinion, this cream feels rich and I can feel emollient-y, I guess it's truly better for drier skin than my skin. But I do notice if you're only using a small amount to the face it will absorbed faster and also doesn't feel heavy, so you might note that if you're gonna use it! It contains several oils that will help moisturize your skin and the good thing is it does not break me out. 

Water, Glycerin, Dicaprylyl Carbonate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Ethylhexyl Palmitate, Niacinamide, Macadamia Integrifolia Seed Oil, Cocos Nucifera Oil, Camellia Japonica Seed Oil, Butyrospermum Parkii Butter, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Cereus Grandflorus Flower Extract, Tremella Fuciformis Extract, Moringa Pterygosperma Seed Extract, 1,2-Hexanediol, Cetearyl Glucoside, Pentylene Glycol, Polyglyceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Ammonium Acryloyldimethyltaurate/ VP Copolymer, Caprylyl Glycol, Panthenol, Ethylhexylglycerin, Tromethamine, Adenosine, Butylene Glycol, Sodium PCA, Sodium Hyaluronate, Carbomer, Xantham Gum

Volume: 75 ml

How to Use?
1. After washing your face, apply to your skin

2. Using a small pea sized amount and apply to your skin using your fingertips (It is better to apply often in smaller amounts than once in abundance)

3. Lightly tap your face using your fingertips to allow the cream to absorb into your skin

6. ABIB Hand Cream Kirsh Fragrant Tube (buy here)

I never expect this hand cream will smell heavenly! Oh my gosh, this smell really good and it feels like I'm wearing perfume! Well, maybe it will be too strong for some people but I enjoy so much using this hand cream. This hand cream is a collaboration between ABIB and Kirsh, a women's apparel brand that represent young people with new observation and creation. The packaging is an aluminium tube wrapped with pink leather. It is described on the website that this hand cream's aromatic fragrance is from white iris and cold spicy its like scent of galliac and cedarwood which offers a refreshing delicate new comfort. I can't describe any smell and I know fragrance is something more personal so yeah, but I like this smell hahaha. My hand is not dry so I can't say any significant effect but it helps moisten and soften my skin. Getting yourself this hand cream is a great choice, it is pretty big so it will last long and comes with an affordable price.

Volume: 50 ml

I personally think this package would be great for those who have dehydrated skin since the products are all focused on hydrate and moisturize, it will help you skin barrier and also refresh your skin! Thank you so much StyleKorean for providing this, I hope this review is helpful :)

*PS: This review is based on my personal experience, all opinions are not influenced by the brand. But again, YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary).

Graciella // @gegeciella

Wednesday 13 June 2018

[BAHASA INDONESIA] Dove Facial Foam Gathering x Clozette Indonesia Event

Hei semuanya! Maaf beberapa minggu ini aku belum buat postingan baru, sedang fokus mencoba produk skincare untuk direview nih hehe. Nah ini sebetulnya acara sudah agak lama, namun memang baru sempat akan aku posting sekarang sekalian berbagi keseruan acara dengan kalian semua. Bulan lalu, aku dihubungi oleh pihak Clozette bahwa aku mendapat kesempatan untuk datang ke acara Dove x Clozette. Kebetulan di acara ini membahas tentang beberapa influencer yang diajak langsung ke Jepang oleh tim Dove untuk merasakan produk - produk Dove dan pabriknya. Acara yang aku datangi ngapain saja sih? Yuk langsung baca yaaaa....

Sayang sekali waktu acara itu, baterai kamera aku tinggal satu dan akhirnya aku hanya mengambil sedikit foto selama acara. Pada acara itu, aku juga banyak bertemu teman baru salah satunya Ci Cindy Thefannie atau mungkin dikenal dengan sebutan Cici Fani, bagi kalian yang belum familiar, Cici Fani merupakan Youtuber yang cukup terkenal dengan konten yang bermacam - macam (sejujurnya aku pun tidak tahu, tapi setelah follow2an Instagram baru tauuuu hehehehe). Lokasi acara bertempat di sebuah cafe di Cilandak. Dekorasi yang menghiasi meja dan venue dipenuhi oleh warna pink bunga sakura khas Jepang, oleh sebab itu juga setiap peserta ber-dresscode pink. 

Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain menghias frame foto, makan siang bersama dan juga talkshow. Pembicara pada talkshow hari itu merupakan para influencer yang diajak ke Jepang bersama tim Dove dan mereka menceritakan pengalaman selama di Jepang dan juga pengalaman menggunakan sabun muka Dove ini. Salah satu influencer yang ke Jepang yaitu @cherrydreamy atau dikenal dengan nama Vanessa Andrea. 

itu ci Vanessa Andrea :)

itu Cici Fani :)

Acara memang tidak terlalu lama dan tidak ada demo skincare atau makeup. Namun suasana sangat menyenangkan dan aku berkenalan dengan banyak teman baru disana! Thank you so much for having me, Clozette. Kalian bisa cek website Clozette untuk tau info terbaru seputar beauty, fashion, travel, dan lifestyle atau kalian bisa langsung follow Instagram Clozette Indonesia. Sampai ketemu di post berikutnya!!

Graciella // @gegeciella