Thursday, 22 September 2016

Unboxing Package from HERMO

Hello! Yay finally the package from Hermo Indonesia has been received safely. I really didn't know what's inside the box because there's no information about it before I received. But I'm really curious since they asked me about my address to ship it, because it's Korean products!!!!!!! If you guys follow me on instagram, blog, or even snapchat, I've been really crazy about Korean products recently. From collecting sheet masks until trying out new products for my skincare routine.
I personally being more concern with my skin since I'm starting to get acne more and more (I had my acne when in junior high school and I've gone to the doctor and get rid of acne till the first year of uni but when in my 2nd year of uni, the acne starts to come back....... really. I'm too tired about this). That's why my skincare routine now takes so long hahaahahahaha. Okay, let's get back to the topic. 

Anyway do you guys know about Hermo? It's an online shop selling Korean products and has been operating in Malaysia. And now they are coming really soon to Indonesia, so be prepared and save your money from now on! I'm really excited now and let's move on.... So, here's what I got from Hermo Indonesia (and since this is from Hermo Indonesia, I'll explain it in Bahasa Indonesia, to make you guys easier to read, and to make me easier to explain :p) :

  • Missha Line Friends Facial Foam Cleanser (Brown)
Pertama kali yang keliatan memikat mata adalah warna kuning packagingnya dan..... yaampun ternyata Brown! Pasti Missha Line Friends edition hehehehe. Wah gede pula pasti foam cleanser deh. Foam cleanser ini isinya banyak lho 150ml dan sekali pakai cukup sebesar kacang karena segitu aja udah cukup banget untuk satu muka. Pasti hemat banget dong apalagi ini ukurannya juga besar, dan mengingat harganya yang affordable, wih pilihan yang pas ketika dompet lagi menipis. Sebenarnya Missha Line Friends Foam Cleanser ini punya 3 varian berbeda; Cony, Sally, dan Brown. Si Sally (oranye) terbuat dari Maylily, si Conny (pink) dari Iris, sedangkan si Brown (kuning) terbuat dari Cherry Blossom. Wanginya sih enak menurutku dan warnanya putih teksturnya seperti cleansing foam pada umumnya. 

lucu yaaaa

  • Guerrison 9 Complex Cream
Senang banget dapet ini!!!! Seriously, tadinya aku udah berpikir kalau mau ke Korea aku mau coba ini karena aku takut kalau belinya ga langsung disana ntar malah dapat yang fake (karena belum pernah lihat aslinya, cuma pernah baca perbedaannya dari blog orang). Eh gataunya dapat dari Hermo dan aku penasaran aku buka lah blog yang perbedaan fake dan original. Dan ternyata.... ini original kok. Dilihat dari segi manapun tenang aja ini original hehehehe jadi jangan takut kalau kalian mau coba kalian bisa order dari Hermo Indonesia nanti setelah mereka launching, karena yang mereka jual adalah produk yang original! Ga perlu takut dapat yang fake lagi deh^^ 

Sebenarnya apa sih bagusnya krim ini? Kok laris banget dan banyak yang cari? Krim ini adalah moisturiser yang terbuat dari minyak kuda (jangan bayangin baunya bakalan ga enak, kenyataannya baunya sama sekali ga ada bau kuda hahahaha) yang konon katanya sangat melembabkan kulit, bisa mencerahkan, memperbaiki tekstur kulit dan sebagainya. Multifunction banget ini krim karena bahkan untuk stretch mark pun bisa! Kalian yang bingung bisa googling langsung ya untuk more info :) Untuk baunya sendiri pun kinda like citrusy lemony refreshing smell, pokoknya wanginya seger. The packaging itself sangat mudah dikenali karena warnanya oranye terang dengan bentuk silinder, lalu ketika dibuka kalian akan mendapati botol kaca berisi krim tersebut disertai dengan spatula bening dengan ukiran tulis "Guerisson" di batangnya dan buku panduan yang tulisannya Korea semua hahahaha. Krim ini bisa untuk semua jenis kulit, tapi diperuntukkan kepada yang kulitnya dehidrasi alias butuh supply moisture yang lebih. Untuk kulit oily bisa tapi dengan kadar yang dikurangi misalnya hanya 2x seminggu sebagai sleeping pack (baca dari blog lain begitu). Tapi kalian ga akan tau hasilnya dikulit kalian kalau bukan kalian yang coba sendiri! 

Selingan ditengah - tengah pembahasan skincare, mari membahas tentang item makeup satu ini. Kemasannya terlihat luxurious karena perpaduan warna hitam dengan metallic copper. Membaca tulis eye stick udah pasti terbayang dong dengan wujud eye shadow yang dikemas menjadi stick? Yes, dengan bentuk stick seperti ini membuat kita lebih mudah untuk mengaplikasikannya ke mata. Eits tapi ga cuma itu, dari semua warna yang ada, menurut beberapa orang, ternyata warna ini adalah warna yang paling asik untuk dipakai ga cuma sebagai eye shadow, tapi juga contouring! Suka bangettt jadi favorite aku sekarang hihihi

Siapa sih yang gasuka sheet masking? Sheet mask tuh enak banget lho, mendapatkan extra moisture dengan instan! Kenapa instan? Karena penggunaan sheet mask hanya perlu memakan waktu 15-20 menit tapi efeknya itu lho bisa sampai berjam - jam bahkan keesokan harinya. Asik banget kan? Untuk sheet mask sendiri juga beragam dari varian hingga harga. Ada yang terjangkau banget ada juga yang mahal banget, tapi semua dilihat dari kebutuhan masing - masing kulit. Ga semua yang mahal pasti cocok kan? Produk Nature Republic ini terkenal karena bahan - bahan yang alami tapi harganya bener - bener terjangkau banget dan ini bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat dikala lagi - lagi dompet menipis. Lumayan oke kok masknya, essencenya cukup, ga bikin break out setelah pemakaian dan bahannya juga agak tipis (kalau tebal gitu kan kurang enak ya rasanya) hehehe


Pertama liat produk ini gatau itu apaan karena semua tulisannya Korea dan ga ada tulisan Inggrisnya kecuali "made in Korea" .... Then akhirnya aku googling dulu karena melihat produk ini juga familiar, gataunya hair serum! Wah benar - benar pas banget, kebetulan aku pun lagi mengalami masalah dengan rambut belakangan ini karena tiba - tiba rontok banyak padahal justru ga keramas setiap hari. Dan pas baca reviewnya di beberapa blog, mereka bilang ini bagus dan efektif untuk buat rambut jadi lebih halus dan mengembalikan keelastisitasannya, wah then this is a great product to try!

ANYWAY SO SORRY, aku kelamaan ngepost ini. Seriously sebenarnya review ini udah lama di draft aku, cuma fotonya yg belum sempat aku pindah-pindahkan ke laptop. That's why oh that's why....
Next time aku akan lebih cepat upload dan ditunggu ya! Karena bakal banyak post2 menarik yg aku belum upload hehe. Have a great day everyone!


Saturday, 16 July 2016

Diner En Blanc Inspired Look

Hi guys! How's life? I hope you guys are having a good day!
Anyway do you know about Diner En Blanc event or in English called "Dinner in White". What's the detail about Diner En Blanc actually? It's a global dining event that despite the veil of secrecy shrouding it, spreads to more cities every year on its way to becoming an international phenomenon. It happens just once a year, in the summer, by the hundreds and thousands, on a date determined city by city, people around the world, dressed in white, meet a beautiful, central public location to share a gourmet dinner with friends. You can take a look at this link Diner En Blanc for more details.

Today I'm gonna make some looks "If I were invited to Diner En Blanc" and maybe if you're a guy and want some inspirations too, you are in a right place. Just scroll down to see The Black Tux's new White Dinner Jacket! And you can see the rest of their rentable suit and tuxedo collection here! Hope you guys find this post useful :)

Have a good sleep everyone! (it's 9PM here)

Friday, 24 June 2016

Pomona x Gaudi Event

Hello guys! Yesterday I joined an event held by Pomona and Gaudi. Gaudi? Gaudi is a clothing line, but... what is Pomona? Pomona is a new apps that is made for us who like to go to malls and "hits" places hahahaha. I can't really describe it but just download it, it's useful tho. Okay so the event took place in Legato Lounge Sunter near the Holiday Inn Hotel. The place itself is not really big but it is surrounded by window glass so the lighting is natural by the sunlight. I met my blogger fellas, Lystia Novilda and Lucy Lie. And yeaahhh we took several photos, not a lot, because we're running out of time (the event was about to start) hahahaha. The event was fun and interesting, there were some games like Flatlays games & Make up challenge. I won the make up challenge thanks to my team mate we finally won! hahaha. And I also got shopping voucher worth Rp.250.000 woohoo maybe God knows I haven't bought any clothes since so long ago hahahahhaha. Overall I did have so much fun and met some new friends, hope I can join another event like this <3

All photos were taken by phone in square mode so when I make it x-large it becomes blur so sorry :(
Anyway, thank you guys (Lystia, Lucy, Sally, Irene, Angela, etc) see you on another event!


Thursday, 16 June 2016

THE 100th POST

It's been a long journey though.
First, I wanna say thank you to all my followers and readers since my first post. All my blogger fellas and communities who have supported me till now. I'm really really happy to know you guys :)
Second, I also want to say thank you to all people from online shops/ companies who have put their trust on me to promote them. Although maybe what I did didn't affect their selling much, but I did try my best to promote and I took that as a responsibility. Thank you for choosing me :)
And last, I wanna say thank you to personal photographer a.k.a my mbak and my boyf. Even though you guys don't read this, but yeah I'm so thankful you guys helped me to take all my blog photos.

So, I have some wishes that I wish I can make it comes true..........
- being more an active blogger either by posting OOTD or some beauty reviews
- try to make more meaningful/useful posts
- searching for people who can design my blog so it won't look so plain! Any recommendation?
- join more fashion & beauty events so I can make a post about it hahaha

Mungkin selama ini aku juga selalu post dengan bahasa Inggris, menurut kalian lebih enak dibaca mana dengan Inggris atau mending Indonesia aja? Terus dari post pertama sampai sekarang, adakah saran dan komentar apa gitu yang kalian mau kasih? Feel free to write it down below! :)
Aku sangat berharap sebagai writer, walaupun jarang banget bisa ketemu sama para readersku, tetap bisa membawa dampak yang baik buat kalian, mungkin dengan review-review yang bermanfaat, atau kasih inspirasi-inspirasi baju dan sebagainya hehe. Semoga semakin ke depan blogku ini bisa semakin baik dan baik lagi! Thanks for all supports, I'm nothing without your supports <3

bonus foto dengan blogger fellas pas JFW 2016 kemarin ;)
ki-ka: Margareta Vania, Me, Richard Marc, Michella Georgia, Sonya Thaniya, Angelyn Agatha, Madeleine John


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Sariayu Martha Tilaar Beauty Workshop

Hola holiday! Yes finally I finished all my final tests and free for about 2 months!
Last Saturday I went to Kota Kasablanka just for window-shopping hahahaha (I wish I can shop but I'm now crisis because I used all my money to buy sheet masks! I will make a blog post later ;) And several skincare kinda thingy) and when we came to Cotton On, which is in front of the place where the beauty workshop held, we heard the MC called the speaker for that day's event and you know who? It's @sasyachi !! Then my mom decided to stay there and ask for a seat. The sales person allowed us to sit and even I was asked whether I want to join the beauty class or not.

And.......... I joined hahahaha. Sariayu was promoting their new series named "Krakatau" which is made by the inspiration from Mount Krakatau and during the beauty class we could try their newest collection from mousse foundation, eyeshadow, blush, eyeliner, and lip duo. I personally love the eyeliner because it's very soft and so easy to be applied on (but I think the eyeliner is from the Papua collection), and also the lip duo that has two different types; one is glossy, and the other is matte. For you who want to use the matte one but afraid it will make your lips dry and cracky, you can apply the glossy first as then the matte. But the lip duo itself is already contain moisturiser so no need to worry :p

I know the photo below shows a slight difference but I actually use eyeliner, blush, eyeshadow, and the lip duo hahahaha. I recommend the lip duo and the eyeliner for sure! And the second photo is what I got but the make up remover wipes were bought by my father and he gave it to me hahahaha. Anyway I was really having fun during the event, it's so helpful! See you on next event <3


Thursday, 11 February 2016


Hi guys! Happy Chinese New Year!
I know CNY was actually on Monday, Feb 1. Hehehehe 

Where did u guys go on CNY? I went to my grandparents' and met my big family there. I didn't wear red clothes that day, I chose bluish purple instead of red when purchasing this Zalora off shoulder peplum top, because the red one doesn't look as good as the blue one. And I don't really like red to be honest (but my boyf does! that's why what I think is good never been accepted by him..... hahaha #thisiswar). Well, the red one doesn't catch my heart hahahaha ;)

These photos below was taken to capture the details closer but the background was not good👎👎

sorry for the small pic, taken from phone :p

Hope you guys have a great day! 

Saturday, 23 January 2016


Hi guys! My tests were already over and I have free time now to make the second post of my beauty haul. It's still about Korean products ( I hope you're not bored with it :p ), and hopefully this is useful for you guys!



I actually bought two different series of the Face Shop essential mask; Collagen & Hyaluronic acid. But I'm starting with the Collagen first. The reason I chose Collagen is because I read collagen is really good for wrinkle, and I'm sure everyone doesn't want to get wrinkle easily and moreover we're still young and you guys don't want if your face looks like you're already old, right?  It written that this collagen mask sheet is a lifting and moisturizing mask sheet for smooth and light absorption and intensive effects of collagen.

I put on for about 15 minutes and I felt that after using my skin is so much smooth and moisturised. Although the fragrance is a bit strong but it didn't cause anything bad for me. I recommend this mask if you're going to try a mask that contains collagen. Anyway, I don't know if it's suitable for sensitive skin, just try the essence in the pack first before applying on your face. 

[UPDATE] The next morning, I found out that I have some pimples and so does my boyf (I put on the essence on his face a bit), so I think it doesn't suitable for sensitive skin :(

This is the other series of the essential mask sheet. I've heard that hyaluronic acid is good for skin and I want to try it out. It written that this hyaluronic acid mask sheet is an extra moisturizing mask sheet for smooth and light absorption and intensive efficacy of hyaluronic acid. It said EXTRA MOISTURIZING. So I think this is really suits for dry skin or for you who needs extra moisturizer for your skin. 

One word: UH-MA-ZING! Well, I never use any essences till I decided to try this super collagen ampoule essence from Etude House and because I just wanna try it, I bought it in sample size. But this is seriously amazing, I really love this product. Every time I put it on my face, I feel like my skin absorb it perfectly. No greasy left, no sting smell. Every thing is just so so so so so nice. 

I only have the sample size look, if you're curious about the normal size click the link below.
If you've tried this essence and you have another option that's you think it's better than this, please let me know in the comment section. I'll be happy to check it out and make another review soon.

If you guys wondering what's in the cute greenish-milk (?) packaging, it's a sunblock! No, no, the sunblock cream is not green, only the packaging (but I wish the sunblock is also green so it looks cute hahaha). This is just an ordinary sunblock but it has high SPF which is good for me and who are living in a hot weather place. Ah! And smells good.

I don't know why but I always love skincare products that contains "milk" either cow's milk, goat's milk, or anything else but milk! And because my sister gave me this too and there's a word "milk", then I'm going to try (I'm using body emulsion now, but body milk and body emulsion is almost the same right?).

This shower gel & body milk is very rich of the fresh lemon scent. The shower gel texture is like common shower gel and so does the body milk. But I found out the body milk dries really fast and doesn't leave sticky feeling at all even on my hand. I will definitely buy this kind of body milk! But too sad, I don't even know where to buy it because this is made in Korea and I haven't seen this brand sold in Indonesia. For you who wants to go to Korea, I suggest you try this shower gel and body milk, it made from natural ingredients so it will be good for your skin :)

Well, that's all for Korean Beauty Haul #2, for those who haven't read my Korean Beauty Haul #1 just click this --->> READ ME!

Anyway if you have any questions about food, fashion, love, life, beauty, ask me through Instagram & with hashtag #AskAuntieCella and I will try my best to answer it.
See you on the next review <3


Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Hello guys! I've never made any post about beauty haul. So today I decided to make a "BEAUTY HAUL #1" post, why I make it with #1? Because if I make it altogether in one post, it will be soooo long. That's why there will be another beauty haul post hihihi and because this is special post from me to you guys, please comment if you have any request what product I should review next or anything else :) Ah by the way, you can ask me anything about fashion, beauty, food, life, love or any tips from now on through Instagram / with hashstag #AskAuntieCella , feel free to ask, I'm really happy to answer your questions <3

Fyi, the products I'll be reviewing is Korean products. I'm deeply in love with Korean beauty products lately and when my sister went to Korea last month I asked her to buy some Korean products, and the rest was bought from several online shops.


The Banila Co. Clean It Zero comes in solid form unlike the other oil cleansers. With the scent of gentle fruit (I like the it!) and the pinkish balm, the product looks super cute. And also the box and the jar is pink! Cute. This is suitable for normal, dry, and oily skin (based on some web). But if you have sensitive skin, you can get the Banila Co. Clean It Zero Purity. I personally really love this idea of making the "usual oil cleanser" into this kinda "solid form" and because it comes with the spatula, you can keep the balm clean.

How to use:   
" Take a scoop of the oil cleanser using the little spatula they give you, and gently massage the formula all over your face and neck (without water). You can feel the solid texture slowly turn into more of an oil, and you can even see it slowly dissolve your makeup. Add a bit of lukewarm water to your face to emulsify using the same upward, circular motions. Adding water causes the formula to turn slightly milky. Then rinse thoroughly using lukewarm water. " 

I will definitely buy it again. For sure. Hehehe

I rarely use any mask to be honest because my mom had frightened me if the mask doesn't suit my skin then it will caused trouble and I hate having face trouble such like acne, big pore, or even worse (but using no mask doesn't mean I don't have acne...). But now I'm aware with my skin health especially face, and because people say mask is a good thing and sometimes it's really important, I'm trying to buy masks with good ingredients. And I got this mask from my sister, I've read some reviews and decided to try. The mask itself is divided into two parts, the upper part and the lower part.

As you can see there's a word "ceramide" in the mask. It is written that fermented ceramide absorbs easily into the skin and what is the fermentation line? This special line provides an intensive solution for skin problems with its high quality dual-fermented ingredients. You can read more the details on the back of the packaging.

After applying this mask on my face yesterday, I didn't see any bad reactions and I felt bouncy, soft, and healthier. I still have 4 more, if there are any specifics change, I will make an update about that.

Psst. Hydrogel type of mask is good from what I heard.

I'm sure you guys know this famous line of Etude House, right? The Zero Sebum line is very popular among girls with sebum problems. For who haven't known what sebum is, sebum is basically an oil that our body produces, but if it's too much then it called as an excessive sebum and it's not good because it can lead to oily skin. People who have oily skin will tend to have larger pores or more white heads where the oil or "sebum" will be trapped in. If you want to know more details just google it :) Comes in three different products; Zero Sebum White Sebum Clear, Zero Sebum All Day Matte Gel, and Zero Sebum Drying Powder, The Zero Sebum line is really helpful by reducing the sebum easily (I've tried once!). There is actually 3 steps to use this for the perfect result, but I only have the sample which only include the step-1 (White Sebum Clear) & step-2 (All Day Matte Gel). 

At first, I didn't realise any change because I only have few near my nose. But when I applied the white sebum clear, the sebum melts and those when I realised it is very effective. Another effect from the product, it leaves a smooth complexion and of course it reduces the oil from where the sebum was and it feels so good. The all day matte gel didn't give any special effect for me and I just used it as a must for finishing the step.

I love the white sebum clear but I'm sure it will be mostly forgotten..... except you take a look in the mirror and you notice your sebum.

Before this, I've already bought the sample size also of the Etude House Perfect Real Art Cleansing Oil. And because I found out this product is really amazing that's why I bought another ones. But maybe you guys are curious why I bought the sample size again, it's because I just wanna use it to clean my heavy makeup, and I rarely do the heavy makeup. Not only that, but also it's because I bought the sample size of Mild Real Art Cleansing Oil to try hehehe.

I really suggest you if you're searching for good cleansing oil, YOU SHOULD BUY THIS! 
But if you do know the other good cleansing oil please let me know so I can try and make the review for you guys :)

I think that's all for Korean Beauty Haul #1, see you on the next review! <3
Just a reminder, if you have any questions about food, fashion, love, life, beauty, ask me through Instagram & with hashtag #AskAuntieCella and I will try my best to answer it.


Friday, 1 January 2016


Hello guys! Finally it's a new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE :-)

Do you have new outfits for the new year? Maybe you want to change your style or you wanna try something different with what you wear? I suggest you to open Shopee for those who have heard maybe you guys already know what is Shopee. Shopee is an online shopping application/website which makes us feel easier to sell and buy stuffs. There are so many sellers so you can find what do you want to buy easily!

For the Android user, you can download the apps:
For the IOS user, you can download the apps:

Try to download it and explore the apps! It's super easy (I know it because I've downloaded it and I have my personal account!). You can open it everywhere and of course it's on your phone so you can still shop even when you're too lazy to go shopping.

The specialty of Shopee is because Shopee always has the greatest deal, Shopee often gives interesting promo and big discounts such as like cutting price, free delivery, etc. As you can see below, Shopee also participated in the "Online Shopping Day" last November, "Great 12/12 Sale" last December and many more events were held by Shopee.

Don't worry, Shopee is safe. I've bought an instant food through the apps and it safely arrived and fast! So let's download it and happy shopping :)

I'll put the link again so you don't have to scroll :p

Shopee (Android):
Shopee (iOS):

Have a great day everyone! Happy holiday and welcome to 2016!
