Friday, 26 May 2017

Personal Thought, xoxo Grace


by Graciella Shiaryn

"I just wanted to be me, I feel this brings out my personality."

Since I become a fashion blogger, I never speak anything in my opinion about blogger's life. 
I just feel I have no right to comment or at least make a bold statement about blogger's life just because I think I'm a junior. I'm small, I'm not too stand out, and even maybe people don't know me as a blogger. Well actually I'm fine with that, there's no successful without any hard work. 

As an introduction, my name is Graciella. I'm 20 years old and currently taking Marketing Management as my major. I wanted to take Fashion Marketing at first, but yeah I ended up here in Marketing Management. I love styling since Junior High School, and my first blog was made when I was in 8th grade. But then because of I couldn't operate or edit the blog well, I closed the old one. 

This blog is the second. As you may notice, my first blog post here was on 2012 when I was is Senior High School. That time I started to explore more about my style and of course how to operate the blog hahaha. As the time goes by, if you're following my blog, you can see there's a lot of change in my style. I don't wear something colorful like I used to and I'm more simple. But even though my style has changed, I'm still very happy working in fashion life, as a fashion blogger. The happiness never fades since the first start till now. 

I may not posting often on my blog, but I'm still active in my social media, Instagram. Although I also don't post everyday, at least I'm still opening it everyday hahaha. Recently I'm more interested in skincare products, that's why I start to make some review posts. I'm not afraid trying new products and just for your information reviewing products is not easy at all, I need time to take a look at the reaction, then make an honest review to my readers. So please understand if my review post takes a long time. And also, I think I'm not really good in writing, so yeah I'm still learning to make the good ones😜

Now let's take a look what's on my mind. I'll do this in Bahasa Indonesia to make it easier to read.

Jadi blogger di Indonesia jujur agak sulit. Tidak cuma bermodal fashion taste yang baik, tapi harus didukung dengan pintar - pintar edit dan ambil angle foto. Dan sekarang ini tugas blogger pun bertambah, yaitu menjaga feeds Instagram agar tetap rapi dan enak dilihat. Harusnya dengan platform yang memadai seperti Instagram, blogger semakin bisa mengembangkan sayapnya. Tapi kok kenyataannya we are the one who struggle? Padahal kalau boleh dibilang, blogger sudah ada sejak jaman dulu banget, disaat Instagram belum ada. Bahkan dulu disaat jamannya Lookbook, sebagian blogger sudah aktif juga di sana. Harusnya para blogger itu lebih dikenal di kalangan masyarakat dong? Hmm. Bagaimana kalau menurut pendapatmu?

Jujur saja, aku termasuk salah satu yang struggling dalam mengatur feeds. I have no editing skill at all. Dan kadang untuk mengatur agar feeds nampak senada adalah dengan tone setiap foto yang dimiripkan. Untuk aku sebagai orang yang have no talent in editing, hal ini cukup sulit. Bahkan untuk menentukan tema feeds saja aku kesulitan, di bayangan bagus pas ambil foto dan di edit hasilnya tidak seperti yang diinginkan. Eits tenang, aku tetap berusaha semampuku kok, ga menyerah begitu saja. Eh tapi boleh deh kalau ada yang bersedia untuk bantu edit hahahaha.

Sudah foto oke, feeds oke, style yaaa sedang lah. Tapi kok tetap saja kita berdiri di titik yang sama, ga maju - maju atau maju tapi lambat banget? Oh, apa karena followers kita sedikit? Atau yang likes foto kita sedikit? Di pengalamanku pribadi, aku punya 4.000 followers, sebagian besarnya adalah teman - teman sendiri. Tapi aku perhatikan tidak semua temanku ini aktif di Instagram, mereka jarang like atau komen, although they still following me. Aku pun sadar teman yang follow aku juga belum tentu punya interest yang sama atau bisa saja mereka tidak melihat fotoku karena tertimbun dengan foto - foto dari followingnya yang lain. That's okay for me. But then it's become not okay when people started to become suspicious of me. "Kok followersnya 4.000 tapi likesnya cuma 60?"

Sometimes that negative thought comes into my mind whenever I post something besides OOTD. I don't know why but kalau postnya produk atau makanan atau apapun selain foto OOTD, likes yang aku dapatkan dibawah 100. Tapi sebaliknya kalau post OOTD likesnya bisa di atas 100. Dan itu kadang yang menyebabkan aku merasa ga enak, tapi balik lagi, I know I shouldn't think negatives, I shouldn't worry what people may think about me. I realize my first goal is not to impress people or gain likes or anything. I'm doing all of this thing just because that's my liking, I want it because I love it. I feel no pressure in doing.

I don't know if it's only happen to me or some of you too. Mungkin yang aku sebutkan diatas hanya sebagian kecil dari pikiranku as my negative thoughts and please note aku tidak sedang menyudutkan pihak tertentu ya. Ini murni memang apa yang sempat terlintas di benakku. Berjuang dengan kemampuan yang terbatas memang sempat bikin aku putus asa, rasanya mau usaha kaya gimana aja tetap aja ga membuahkan hasil. Tapi untungnya aku sempat berdiskusi dengan beberapa orang yang punya jalan pikir yang sama, dan kami memutuskan untuk tetap berjalan maju. The show must go on, and so do us. We will keep working our best in creating content, reviewing products, and do good so our works can be an inspiration for others although it's hard.

Segala hal apapun itu tetap ada 2 sudut pandang berbeda, tergantung bagaimana kita melihatnya, untuk segi positifnya aku melihat semakin banyaknya blogger yang cukup aktif sebagai fashion blogger dan juga beauty blogger di Indonesia, sejak Instagram berjaya. Platform yang mendukung komunitas blogger seperti Clozette pun juga semakin berkembang dan cukup banyak blogger yang aktif di dalam komunitas tersebut. Semoga ke depannya semua blogger di Indonesia semakin sukses, bisa berkarya dengan ciri khasnya masing - masing, punya supporter yang ga henti - hentinya dukung mereka, dan juga punya kesempatan berkembang yang besar.

I guess that's all for now. Kurang lebih sudah mewakilkan apa yang pernah terlintas dipikiranku hehe.
Kalau kalian sedang mengalami hal ini, lagi putus asa, lagi merasa kerjaannya kok ga bernilai, ga dianggap, walaupun udah susah - susah buat. Ayo, bangun.
Don't ever give up in doing something you love. 
Keep inspiring others, will you?💙



  1. Great post! I followed you back :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great post!
    Hope you'll click on link at the end of my post :)
    If you want that we follow each other let me know by leaving a comment here-->

  4. Great post! WOW!I follow you, I hope you will follow me back♥

  5. I think it's normal that our style changes over time. I used to be a tomboy. Now I can't imagine my wardrobe without heels and skirts.

    Her Hive

  6. Keep it up! You have a great career ahead of you.
    xo Annie
    New England Romance

  7. I think is wonderful to have a blog and to be able to comunicate with people! :)
    Thanks for your comment, I'm following your blog now!

  8. I feel that way too; but it doesn't make me feel down. Keep it up darling..

    kiko from Monochrome Diary


Hi, I'd love to read all your thoughts or anything else. Just comment and I'll try to reply as soon as possible. Thank you for visiting my blog and supporting me, have a great day everyone :)